miércoles, marzo 18, 2009 Urdido por Osano-Wo a la(s) 7:03 p. m.

Una canción que hacía tiempo que no escuchaba (pero que el domingú me recordaron de su existencia), y que literalmente me pone los pelos de punta. Es de esas que no cuesta escuchar una y otra vez, y que disfrutas como si fuese la primera vez. Impresionante se queda corto para describirla. 

Shes addicted to nicotine patches
Shes addicted to nicotine patches
Shes afraid of the light in the dark
6.58 are you sure where my spark is

Shes convinced she could hold back a glacier
But she couldnt keep baby alive
Doubting if theres a woman in there somewhere

You say you dont want it again
And again but you dont dont really mean it
You say you dont want it
This circus were in
But you dont you dont really mean it you dont really mean it

If the divine master plan is perfection
Maybe next Ill give judas a try
Trusting my soul to the ice cream assassin
Here, here, here
You say you dont want it again
And again but you dont really mean it
You say you dont want it
This circus were in
But you dont you dont really mean it you dont really mean it

How many fates turn around in the overtime
Ballerinas that have fins that youll never find
You thought that you were the bomb yes well so did i
Say you dont want it
Say you dont want it
Say you dont want it again
And again but you dont really mean it
Say you dont want it
This circus were in
But you dont you dont really mean it you dont really mean it

Shes addicted to nicotine patches
Shes afraid of the light in the dark
6.58 are you sure where my spark is

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sábado, marzo 14, 2009 Urdido por Osano-Wo a la(s) 4:28 p. m.

Una gran recomendacion para la que no hace falta manual de instrucciones y la prueba de que el amor no entiende de idiomas.

A la terra humida escric
nena estic boig per tu,
em passo els dies
esperant la nit.

Com et puc estimar 
si de mi estàs tan lluny; 
servil i acabat 
boig per tu. 

Sé molt bé que des d'aquest bar
jo no puc arribar on ets tu,
però dins la meva copa veig
reflexada la teva llum, me la beuré;
servil i acabat, boig per tu. 

Quan no hi siguis al matí, 
les llàgrimes es perdran 
entre la pluja 
que caurà avui. 

Em quedaré atrapat 
ebri d'aquesta llum 
servil i acabat 
boig per tu. 

Sé molt bé que des d'aquest bar 
jo no puc arribar on ets tu, 
però dins la meva copa veig 
reflexada la teva llum, me la beuré; 
servil i acabat boig per tu.

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