Hacia mucho que no ponia una cancion, y esta vez no es por falta de inspiracion. Espero que aparte de poner la letra, el p... goear me deje postearla para que aquellos que aun no lo hayais hecho la podais escuchar. Y para aquellos que le busquen el sentido al titulo del post, simplemente he mezclado titulos de canciones de Daylight.
My Chemical Romance - Sleep(pinchad aqui para escucharla)
Some say, now suffer all the children
And walk away a savior,
Or a madman and polluted
From gutter institutions.
Don't you breathe for me,
Undeserving of your sympathy,
Cause there ain't no way that I'm sorry for what I did.
And through it all
How could you cry for me?
Cause I don't feel bad about it.
So shut your eyes,
Kiss me goodbye,
And sleep.
Just sleep.
The hardest part is letting go of
Your dreams.
A drink for the horror that I'm in,
For the good guys, and the bad guys,
For the monsters that I've been.
Three cheers for tyranny,
Unapologetic apathy,
Cause there ain't no way that I'm coming back again.
And through it all
How could you cry for me?
Cause I don't feel bad about it.
So shut your eyes,
Kiss me goodbye,
And sleep.
Just sleep.
The hardest parts
The awful things that I've seen.
Just sleep.
Just sleep.
Just sleep.
Just sleep.
Just sleep.
Just sleep.
[Screaming:] Wake up!
Ah, por cierto, si, en el post anterior olvide grandes clasicos del cine como:
- Trilogia El Padrino
- Saga Evil Dead
- Trainspotting
- Saga Critters
- Willow
- Stargate
- Equilibrium
- Trilogia Matrix (si, las 3, que pasa xD)
- Ford Fairlane
- Destino de Caballero
Lo que pasa es que creo que puse muy claro un CONTINUARA... :PPPPP. Es mas, continuara...
P.D: Armpit!!!!!
P.D 2: Este post iba originariamente iba antes del anterior, pero por cosas de blogger he tenido que repostearlo xD.