martes, junio 13, 2006 Urdido por Osano-Wo a la(s) 10:53 a. m.

Como hoy no tengo muchas ganas de pensar, he decidido marcarme un post musical. Os voy a hacer una recomendacion de grupos y canciones que me encantan. Empecemos con Europe, ese rock ochentero, del que particularmente me gustan Rock the Night, Carrie y como no, la archiconocida The Final Countdown. Cambiando de tercio, los alemanes Oomph!, con los temas Sex Hat Keine Macht y el resto del album "
WAHRHEIT ODER PFLICHT". De H.I.M, goticos de la vida, la reciente Rip Out the Wings of a Butterfly, Heartache every moment y Join Me. Otro de mis grupos favoritos de hace unos años es Rhapsody, con su epic metal: Lord of the Thunder, Rain of a thousand flames y Eternal Glory. Ya conocia Sonata Arctica, pero me los han hecho redescubrir, con temazos como Replica, Fullmoon y mi favorita, Broken, de su ultimo disco "
WINTERHEART´S GUILD". Otro grupo que me motiva es Masterplan, descubierto hace bastante poco de manera casual: las canciones que mas machaco en el mp3 y winamp son todas de su ultimo disco "
. Mañana mas y mejor (o no). Os dejo con la letra de Replica.
Replica I'm home again, I won the war, and now I am behind
your door. I tried so hard to obey the law, and see the
meaning of this all. Remember me? Before the war.
I'm the man who lived next door. Long ago...
As you can see, when you look at me, I'm pieces of
what I used to be. It's easier if you don't see me
standing on my own two feet. I'm taller when I sit
here still, you ask are all my dreams fulfilled.
They made me a heart of steel, the kind the bullets
cannot see
Nothing's what it seems to be,
I'm a replica, I'm a replica
Empty shell inside of me
I'm not myself, I'm a replica of me...
The light is green, my slate is clean, new life to fill
the hole in me. I had no name, last December, Christmas
Eve I can't remember. I was in a constant pain, I saw
your shadow in the rain. I painted all your pigeons red,
I wish I had stayed home instead.
Nothing's what it seems to be,
I'm a replica, I'm a replica
Empty shell inside of me
I'm not myself, I'm a replica of me...
Are you gonna leave me now, when it is all over
Are you gonna leave me, is my world now over...
Raising from the place I've been, and trying to keep
my home base clean. Now I'm here and won't go back believe.
I fall asleep and dream a dream, I'm floating in the
silent stream. No-one placing blame on me
But nothing's what it seems to be, yeah.
Nothing's what it seems to be,
I'm a replica, I'm a replica
Empty shell inside of me
I'm not myself, I'm a replica of me...
Nothing's what it seems to be,
I'm a replica.
Empty shell inside of me
I'm a replica. (repeat)
Nothing's what it seems to be,
I'm a replica, I'm a replica
Empty shell inside of me
I'm not myself, I'm a replica of me.
I'm home again, I won the war, and now I am behind
your door. I tried so hard to obey the law, see the
meaning of this all. Remember me? Before the war.
I'm the man who lived...